Frequently Asked Questions
What is required when bringing in my pet?
1. The most important item to bring is proof of current vaccinations from your vet. This includes leptospirosis, canine hepatitis, Distemper/Parvo, Kennel Cough is recommended. No pet is allowed to enter our boarding facilities without current vaccinations.
2. We would also like to know your itinerary with at least one emergency number should an unlikely emergency event happen. Also, you will need to contact your vet to give your permission for them to disclose details of your pets' treatment / condition to date whilst you are away. Our vets may need this data in the event of an illness or injury while your pet is boarding. It would be good to have your email details so that we can communicate with you should the need arise
3. While entering and exiting the kennel, your dog must be on a lead and under your control at all times.
4. It is a great idea to bring something with the scent of home, toys and treats to help when alone.
Can i bring my pets personal bedding?
We provide vet bedding material, which is a very comfortable, breathable along with an either plastic or elevated pet bed. All to suit the breed or age of the pet. With igloo beds for cats to help them feel secure and warm in cooler months.
We would be happy to show you upon request...........
If you do bring bedding for your pet, it would be best to labelled them with a permanent marker. We cannot accept responsibility for owner's property, items left are at the owner's risk
Can i bring toys and treats for my pet?
Yes, we encourage you to bring 1 or 2 toys and treats for your pet.
Although we take no responsibility if they unfortunately become damaged or lost.
Do i need to bring my pets own food?
It is best practice to maintain pets on their existing diets whilst away so as not to upset their tummies, we do however provide a series of popular brands, please ask what the stocked brands are near to your pets boarding dates.
Is there someone on the premises to take care of my pet on the evenings and weekends including bank holidays?
Our staff are on duty and tending to our canine and feline guests 7 days a week, including holidays. The owners also live on the premises and have security cameras to monitor the facility.
What happens when there is an emergency or a medical problem?
We rely on an excellent veterinarian that are close in proximity to our facility, they offer full 7 day, 24-hour emergency care if required. We treat every guest as we would our own and will provide them with the best attention and judgement in the case of concern.
I have two or more dogs can they stay together?
Yes, as long as your dogs will get along together, they can share the same indoor/outdoor run. We like to trial the dogs together in our kennel environment to ensure there are no issues. We provide an information sheet to make owners aware of the potential risks, the owners accept this risk when agreeing to sharing.
My dog only eats raw food do you supply this?
We do not provide raw food but have freezers on site to hold stocks of owner supplied food.
My Pet is on medication is this a problem?
We can and do medicate pets, owners must provide written instruction as directed by their vets and sign a consent form. We will then monitor the administration of the drugs and record.
Written consent is required.
Will my dog be socialising with other dogs?
We do not socialise dogs other than with dogs from the same household or family and only with the owner's express permission.